Welcome to Mr. Jay Gross' Emergency Lesson Plans!
Thank you for covering for me. I appreciate it. I have great students.
Thank you very much for covering…
Mr. Gross
- We are a 1:1 school. All students should have their chromebook. If not, they will need to go to the media center and check one out for the day.
- I do not mind if they take breaks to check emails or surf a bit.
- If one or two decide to waste their time on the computer, let them. Just leave me a note and a name(s). I will fight that battle for you.
- Mostly, my students are awesome and do what needs to be done. If you have any problems with students, please get me names. I will deal with them when I get back.
- Please leave me a name, contact information, and a brief note on how today went. I’d appreciate it.
- Please ask that they stay in the room unless a bathroom emergency. Some may want to work in the hallway. Please not today. If they give you a hard time or one or two happen to sneak out, please just leave me a name.
- I allow iPods/iTouches/ etc during free time and while researching. They will listen to music, chat / Tweet me during the day. Do NOT allow them when you are talking/addressing them as a class. Moodle website is www.shepherd.glk12.org
- My cell phone is 560-2773 if you need me at any time to chat or text.
Thank you very much for covering…
Mr. Gross