Pam Harnish
Hey There Shepherd!
Spring is here (I think!)! And with it being the 1st Sunday of the month and first of Spring, here is ‘Getting To Know Shepherd People”. It is the 6th installment. Getting to know people, communicating with them, and finding out what they are about is a crucial key to successful teamwork, a successful school. I am going to continue do my best to post something about the special people involved at Shepherd Public schools.
Today I want to present you with an unsung hero who tends to go unnoticed…
Pam Harnish is here at Shepherd for the right reasons… she loves helping the students to be the best they can possibly be… and she loves doing it…
Pam is our high school Counseling/Athletics Secretary. She has worked here at Shepherd High School for the past 27 years! Pam was quoted as, “Wow, I know! Sure doesn’t seem like it has been that long.” And it might seem even longer due to the fact that she is also a former student of Shepherd. (Just too good to leave this school & community and we are happy to have her!) Pam mentioned she has had the opportunity to work with many great people during all those years such as Mr. Sam Riley, Mr. Kirk Baese, Mr. Bob Alger, Mr. Dave McLoughlin, Mr. Ron Patrick, and Mrs. Phyllis Hall. Add in the present people she works with and coming to work is very enjoyable for her!
Pam is responsible for assisting students and staff in the counseling office as well as the entire school, answering phones, helping to arrange substitute teachers and getting them to their assigned job, taking care of payroll, organizing report cards, enrolling new students, checking immunizations and eligibility, creating sport programs and schedules, and anything else that may come her way (which is a lot and often!).
Pam is Married to her husband Dale. She has one step-son, Matthew, a daughter, Morgan who is currently in 8th grade at Shepherd Middle School, and Jacob who will be attending Shepherd Elementary this Fall of 2014. Pam added, “I have enjoyed watching Morgan participate in all of her sporting events and look forward to what lies ahead for my children. They are a very important part of my life, and I thank God every day for them.” The Harnish’s currently do not have any pets but, “….we did have a dog, Bandit, for 14 years. Very hard losing her, but as time passes we are sure to have another.”
When not at school or running her kids everywhere they need to be, Pam can be found reading, walking, camping, snowmobiling (when it’s not freezing cold), spending time with family doing such things as traveling to Manistee. She finds it “such a peaceful and a beautiful place to get away to.”
I asked Pam what it was/is that inspires her. She smiled and said, “My parents have inspired me…they have encouraged me throughout the years and have been by my side through good times & bad.”
When I asked her the best part about here at Shepherd, Pam replied, “working with the students and staff. Every day is a new day.”
I checked with some people around her. Mandy Cahoon, Shepherd High School Counselor stated, “She is the most kind, loving, and giving person! She would give you her last dollar if you needed it! Pam also takes great pride in her work and is very dedicated to the students/staff she works with.”
Superintendent Claire Bunker replied with, “Pam is one of the most trusted, reliable, and responsible people in this district. We know things will get done in a friendly, professional manner every time Pam is in charge.”
Former Shepherd Principal/Counselor Phyllis Hall said, “Pam Harnish is one of the most loyal employees that Shepherd Public Schools has ever had. Her dedication to her job, her co-workers, and the students is unmatched. She is a friendly, pretty face who is a help to all who come into the counseling office. Having worked very closely with Pam in the counseling office for 14 years, I consider her to be a friend and a very memorable and important part of my life and years at Shepherd.”
One thing I have personally noticed is quite unique. Whenever I stop into the counseling office, I see students around Pam. These are not just Office Aides who are doing their work and have to be there. They are students who genuinely want to be there with her. They are chatting about school, the daily activities, or just life in general. Her door is always open and she greets them with a warm, friendly smile. This speaks volumes about Pam as a person and her relationship with people and how she affects them.
Thank you Pam for all the hard work and dedication you bring to your profession.
Remember, I am going to do my best to post something about the special people involved at Shepherd Public schools. Look for it the first Sunday of each month.
Hey There Shepherd!
Spring is here (I think!)! And with it being the 1st Sunday of the month and first of Spring, here is ‘Getting To Know Shepherd People”. It is the 6th installment. Getting to know people, communicating with them, and finding out what they are about is a crucial key to successful teamwork, a successful school. I am going to continue do my best to post something about the special people involved at Shepherd Public schools.
Today I want to present you with an unsung hero who tends to go unnoticed…
Pam Harnish is here at Shepherd for the right reasons… she loves helping the students to be the best they can possibly be… and she loves doing it…
Pam is our high school Counseling/Athletics Secretary. She has worked here at Shepherd High School for the past 27 years! Pam was quoted as, “Wow, I know! Sure doesn’t seem like it has been that long.” And it might seem even longer due to the fact that she is also a former student of Shepherd. (Just too good to leave this school & community and we are happy to have her!) Pam mentioned she has had the opportunity to work with many great people during all those years such as Mr. Sam Riley, Mr. Kirk Baese, Mr. Bob Alger, Mr. Dave McLoughlin, Mr. Ron Patrick, and Mrs. Phyllis Hall. Add in the present people she works with and coming to work is very enjoyable for her!
Pam is responsible for assisting students and staff in the counseling office as well as the entire school, answering phones, helping to arrange substitute teachers and getting them to their assigned job, taking care of payroll, organizing report cards, enrolling new students, checking immunizations and eligibility, creating sport programs and schedules, and anything else that may come her way (which is a lot and often!).
Pam is Married to her husband Dale. She has one step-son, Matthew, a daughter, Morgan who is currently in 8th grade at Shepherd Middle School, and Jacob who will be attending Shepherd Elementary this Fall of 2014. Pam added, “I have enjoyed watching Morgan participate in all of her sporting events and look forward to what lies ahead for my children. They are a very important part of my life, and I thank God every day for them.” The Harnish’s currently do not have any pets but, “….we did have a dog, Bandit, for 14 years. Very hard losing her, but as time passes we are sure to have another.”
When not at school or running her kids everywhere they need to be, Pam can be found reading, walking, camping, snowmobiling (when it’s not freezing cold), spending time with family doing such things as traveling to Manistee. She finds it “such a peaceful and a beautiful place to get away to.”
I asked Pam what it was/is that inspires her. She smiled and said, “My parents have inspired me…they have encouraged me throughout the years and have been by my side through good times & bad.”
When I asked her the best part about here at Shepherd, Pam replied, “working with the students and staff. Every day is a new day.”
I checked with some people around her. Mandy Cahoon, Shepherd High School Counselor stated, “She is the most kind, loving, and giving person! She would give you her last dollar if you needed it! Pam also takes great pride in her work and is very dedicated to the students/staff she works with.”
Superintendent Claire Bunker replied with, “Pam is one of the most trusted, reliable, and responsible people in this district. We know things will get done in a friendly, professional manner every time Pam is in charge.”
Former Shepherd Principal/Counselor Phyllis Hall said, “Pam Harnish is one of the most loyal employees that Shepherd Public Schools has ever had. Her dedication to her job, her co-workers, and the students is unmatched. She is a friendly, pretty face who is a help to all who come into the counseling office. Having worked very closely with Pam in the counseling office for 14 years, I consider her to be a friend and a very memorable and important part of my life and years at Shepherd.”
One thing I have personally noticed is quite unique. Whenever I stop into the counseling office, I see students around Pam. These are not just Office Aides who are doing their work and have to be there. They are students who genuinely want to be there with her. They are chatting about school, the daily activities, or just life in general. Her door is always open and she greets them with a warm, friendly smile. This speaks volumes about Pam as a person and her relationship with people and how she affects them.
Thank you Pam for all the hard work and dedication you bring to your profession.
Remember, I am going to do my best to post something about the special people involved at Shepherd Public schools. Look for it the first Sunday of each month.