Lesson Plan for Wednesday, March 11th, 2020
- Email Mr. Gross at [email protected] from your primary email address. Be sure you use the one you will be handing in assignments from. The subject line should be: Your Name and English 12 B (3) 2018
- Fill in the forum below and send.
- Follow the instructions on the picture below to sign into Remind 101 for school delays & closings from Mr. Gross.
- Click HERE to access the Google folder for English 12 B (3) 2017-18. Please download it to your GDrive. Feel free to take a look around.
- Log into Moodle and be sure you see English 12 B (3) in your class list. If not, let Mr. Gross know so he can enter you.
- In Moodle feel free to start your Classroom Syllabus & Rules Quiz.
- Done with the Syllabus & rules Quiz? Try the Portfolio Lesson! Done with it? In Google Folder start Portfolio Check #1? #2? #3? Heck... do #4 and finish it all!
- Still got time? See me! I have all kinds of things to keep your brain challenged! Read the article at the top of Moodle called, "Making the Grade!" we will be discussing it in class.