English 11 B (3)
Lesson Plan for Friday, March 13th, 2020
Miss Thursday? Please Start Here
- Portfolio? How is it looking? Look to Check #1. That is where you will need to be soon. Work towards that today. The Moodle Portfolio Lesson will help walk you through this. Access the folder HERE or see below:
- YOUR name in the Site Title
- All Required pages up and running
- All Required Pages Titled
- All Page Descriptors in italics and LEFT justified
- Divider under the Page Descriptor
- Buttons labeled and links working at the bottom of EACH Page
- A Contact Page designed by Weebly
- Research Project... You can meet with group members. Change groups. Change members. Start looking at your Mini Research papers and refining, adding, cutting, getting more/better information and sources.
- Keep the same topic? Or go for new? The five 'Hot Topics' for up to one full grade extra credit will be:
- Gun Control or Guns in Schools
- Human Trafficking
- Building the Wall
- "Screen Time" or Tech Addictions
- Problem in Education
- Get started. Assign roles to team members. Research inside Google Drive using the explore button. Start finding graphs and charts to possibly use. Check out ProCon.org. Awesome resources on a lot of topics!
Lesson Plan for Friday, March 13th, 2020
- Nice easy Friday if you can stay focused! Give it a try!
- Rules & Syllabus Quiz Due by 3:00pm
- Are you and/or your group signed up on the Research spreadsheet inside the Research Project Folder? If not please enter names of all group members, topic, thesis, and whether you will present to the class for xtra credit.
- You may directly access the sheet HERE
- LOTS to do! Please be amazing and try the 5/20/5/20/5 format... Never know! Just might like it and get things done early!
- Please stay focused and get done what you need to do... Please also stay in the classroom to work today.
- First, go through your portfolio... proofread each descriptor next to your items... then pick a partner. Look at your partner's portfolio and proofread and have your partner do yours.
- Take a break for 5-10 minutes. Stand. Stretch. Drink? Food?
- Get back to it and give the research paper/project some time. Get that Intro in perfect order...Start a prewrite and just attempt the Intro paragraph... please share it with me in GDoc at [email protected] by 3pm
- Attention Getter that grabs a heart?
- Clear, strong, one sentence thesis?
- Two or more problems clearly stated after the thesis?
- A clear, strong, counter argument stated after the probs?
- A solution? Basically your thesis restated the same but different?
- This is worth 25 points and is due by 3 pm today.
- Have an amazing Spring Break! BE Safe! BE careful! Behave! No Jail! But still have a little fun!