Digital Media Class
Please Click HERE to join Quizziz class
Lesson for Thursday, February 13th, 2020
- PLEASE NOTE: We are on iTime Schedule for today. Classes are shorter! 8-9:03 for 1st period
- Your Mission Assignment is Due Friday, Feb 14th, by 3pm. Please be sure it is done and handed in on time.
- Also, please continue to work on the Final Project for your exam. Most of you are using Animoto. Here is the criteria to help refresh your memory:
- A video project of 3-7 minutes
- Include a Central Idea / Theme
- Example: “My Life”, The Life of My Grandfather”, “A Tribute to Friendship”
- Include pictures/video to present the theme
- Set it to music that reflects the central idea / theme and strengthens it
- Include at least eleven (11) words of text throughout
- Voice over? Possible if it adds to your theme!
- Anything else you can think of to be creative? Add to your message?
- It is worth 100 points and will go into the exam category
- It will be due March 5 & 6 presented in class
- Some Examples…
- Here is one I put together for the family of Mr. Ray Yaklin, a former teacher who passed away… HERE
- A different look at Our World
I will be asking you to show me a “Quick Check” grade this coming Friday for 20 points. You should have: About 50% done including pics/music/and a text or two inserted
- New Assignment! Make Your Own Avatar! (Due Tuesday, Feb 18th by class time to show in class)
- Read through the PDF Lesson on Avatar Creation. Click HERE to access in the Google folder for this class
- Best Emoji Apps for 2019 HERE
- Create five (5) emojis that express yourself that you will/would actually use in texting/emails/digital communication (appropriate ones only please)
- Load them to your slide in the Avatar Slideshow in our classroom Google folder
- Due Tuesday by class time so we can look at them while in class
- Most realistic will win a gift!
Lesson for Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
- Your Mission Assignment is Due Friday, Feb 14th, by 3pm. Please be sure it is done and handed in on time.
- Also, please continue to work on the Final Project for your exam. Most of you are using Animoto. Here is the criteria to help refresh your memory:
- A video project of 3-7 minutes
- Include a Central Idea / Theme
- Example: “My Life”, The Life of My Grandfather”, “A Tribute to Friendship”
- Include pictures/video to present the theme
- Set it to music that reflects the central idea / theme and strengthens it
- Include at least eleven (11) words of text throughout
- Voice over? Possible if it adds to your theme!
- Anything else you can think of to be creative? Add to your message?
- It is worth 100 points and will go into the exam category
- It will be due March 5 & 6 presented in class
Some Examples…
- Here is one I put together for the family of Mr. Ray Yaklin, a former teacher who passed away… HERE
- A different look at Our World
I will be asking you to show me a “Quick Check” grade this coming Wednesday for 20 points. You should have:
- About 50% done including pics/music/and a text or two inserted
Lesson for Wednesday, January 22nd
Okay… happened again. My son (the Goob) was suspended. I am bummed beyond words. Please, please, please be the awesome, respectful people I know you are and get your work done. Stick to the 5/20/5/20 method and get ahead.
Here is an example how to use your time today:
Here is an example how to use your time today:
- 5G Paper? Due Thursday by 3pm
- Remember...Thursday is iTime schedule so we will have shorter classes.
- Remember...Thursday is iTime schedule so we will have shorter classes.
- Goals page for your portfolio due Friday.
- Teamwork page due Friday, the 31st
- Work on you video for your final exam. Get it done early!
Lesson for Friday, January 17th
First, let me apologize for being gone. My son (the Goob) was suspended. I did NOT see this coming and because my wife is at a conference until Saturday, Dad is the next in line. Please be the awesome, respectful people I know you are and get your work done. Stick to the 5/20/5/20 method and get ahead.
Here is an example how to use your time today:
Here is an example how to use your time today:
- Choose your group members, get organized and sign up on the Power Friending
- Get working on a presentation!
- To ponder:
- Introduction to the chapter
- Main points you found interesting in the chapter explained
- Visual Aids to help explain main points
- Things found not interesting or irrelevant
- Websites & Apps that may help
- 8-11 minutes long
- If a slide presentation, must be no more than 10 words per slide
- Read directly from slides (drop grade by one (1) FULL grade)
- Taught us. Explained. Used Analogies, examples, stories, pictures, & video
- Created a game/survey/participation piece
- ALL members have equal participation
- Apply the information to the class’ lives and how it will benefit them
- To ponder:
- Work on you video for your final exam. Get it done early!
- 5G paper?
SHS Cartoon Promotion Assignment
10 Best Online Animation Tools HERE
Top 7 Video Animation Makers: Create Free Animations HERE
Which are the best free online animation maker sites? HERE
Top 7 Video Animation Makers: Create Free Animations HERE
Which are the best free online animation maker sites? HERE
Lesson for Tuesday, January 14th
First, let me apologize for being gone. My son is being tested by a specialist for
Autism. I did not plan on being gone until I was reminded about this. I know you
were supposed to present today. You get an extra day to work on it and make the very best possible.
Here is an example how to use your time today:
Also... next week is the Powerfriending assignment presented in class. Please be sure you are working on that one also and ready to present it in class next Tuesday, the 21st.
Autism. I did not plan on being gone until I was reminded about this. I know you
were supposed to present today. You get an extra day to work on it and make the very best possible.
Here is an example how to use your time today:
- Click on the link 21 Things. If you have not already done so, please choose one of the 21 Things… PLEASE choose a topic of interest to you or one that you would like to learn about.
- Go through:
- The Introduction
- The Learning Objectives
- Watch any videos they supply
- Do all the Quests
- Any additional things?
- Look to the right at any websites & Apps that may help
- Check out the Teacher Guide?
- Use the Student Checklist?
- Choose your group members, get organized and sign up on the 21 Things 4 Student Sign Up list.
- You can click HERE to access it.
- Please include all names in alphabetical order by last name.
- Get working on a presentation!
- Must be 8-15 minutes long
- If a slide presentation, must be no more than 10 words per slide
- Reading directly from slides to us will drop grade by one (1) FULL grade
- Yes. You may use notecards to help but not direct reading. Teach. Explain. Analogies. Examples. Stories. Pictures. Video clips.
- Creating a game? Doing a survey? Be sure it can be played in the allotted time. AND be sure you can tie in what the game/survey does to enhance your presentation.
- ALL members must have equal participation.
- Hints:
- Teach the class what YOU found interesting or what you think they need to know
- Apply the information to the class’ lives and how it will benefit them
Also... next week is the Powerfriending assignment presented in class. Please be sure you are working on that one also and ready to present it in class next Tuesday, the 21st.
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, December 11th
Hey All...
So very sorry to be gone today again. The Goob is down and his temp has been hovering around 104... He cannot be in school like that. Please be the awesome people I know you are and use your time wisely to get work done. I appreciate it more than you know.
And a new heads up… I have notified the Sub: I have quite a few students who are not on my attendance roster show up and sit in on my classes. I explained yesterday, due to class sizes and some recent ‘disruptions’, I am only allowing students on the attendance roster in. Please ask anyone who is not actually in my class to leave. If there is a problem, please try and get a name and I will deal with it when I get back.
Please continue to work on the Animoto Challenge and have it done and emailed
to me by the end of the class period (9:14am). When you are done get some
presentation work done! As I did Monday, I would suggest the following for
either 21 Things or Common Sense Media.
Please remember, The Common Sense Media Presentation is due Tuesday, the
17th (6 days from today)
To use your time today, here is an example:
So very sorry to be gone today again. The Goob is down and his temp has been hovering around 104... He cannot be in school like that. Please be the awesome people I know you are and use your time wisely to get work done. I appreciate it more than you know.
And a new heads up… I have notified the Sub: I have quite a few students who are not on my attendance roster show up and sit in on my classes. I explained yesterday, due to class sizes and some recent ‘disruptions’, I am only allowing students on the attendance roster in. Please ask anyone who is not actually in my class to leave. If there is a problem, please try and get a name and I will deal with it when I get back.
Please continue to work on the Animoto Challenge and have it done and emailed
to me by the end of the class period (9:14am). When you are done get some
presentation work done! As I did Monday, I would suggest the following for
either 21 Things or Common Sense Media.
Please remember, The Common Sense Media Presentation is due Tuesday, the
17th (6 days from today)
To use your time today, here is an example:
- Click on the link 21 Things. If you have not already done so, please choose one of the 21 Things… PLEASE choose a topic of interest to you or one that you would like to learn about.
- Go through:
- The Introduction
- The Learning Objectives
- Watch any videos they supply
- Do all the Quests
- Any additional things?
- Look to the right at any websites & Apps that may help
- Check out the Teacher Guide?
- Use the Student Checklist?
- Choose your group members, get organized and sign up on the 21 Things 4 Student Sign Up list.
- You can click HERE to access it.
- Please include all names in alphabetical order by last name.
- Get working on a presentation!
- Must be 8-15 minutes long
- If a slide presentation, must be no more than 10 words per slide
- Reading directly from slides to us will drop grade by one (1) FULL grade
- Yes. You may use notecards to help but not direct reading. Teach. Explain. Analogies. Examples. Stories. Pictures. Video clips.
- Creating a game? Doing a survey? Be sure it can be played in the allotted time. AND be sure you can tie in what the game/survey does to enhance your presentation.
- ALL members must have equal participation.
- Hints:
- Teach the class what YOU found interesting or what you think they need to know
- Apply the information to the class’ lives and how it will benefit them
Animoto Challenge!
Okay! You have the entire period to get this done! Here is what you need to do:
- I will count you off in groups of four
- Each pair of you within the group does one (1) video (So each group will have two (2) vids)
- Choose one of the following topics:
- Christmas Theme
- Tech is Bad Theme
- Michigan is Amazing! Theme
- Dogs (or Cats) ROCK! Theme
- Shepherd High School Theme
- Love Life! Theme
- Babies are the Best! Theme
- Be yourself! Theme
- No Fear Theme!
- Get pictures whether through downloads or screen shots
- Upload to Animoto (you should have already have your accounts by now)
- Add effects? Text? Transitions? Music?
- Music will be the key here... be sure it goes with your theme and enhances the vid.
- Vid should be around three (3) minutes long...
- When done, each group share with me what they believe is the BEST one at [email protected] by the end of class time And we will play them in class.
- This assignment is worth 100 points!
Digital Media A (2) 2019-20
Lesson Plan for Monday, December 9th
Today is a great day to get some presentation work done! I would suggest the following for either 21 Things or Common Sense Media. Here is an example:
Can also be working on:
- Click on the link 21 Things. If you have not already done so, please choose one of the 21 Things… PLEASE choose a topic of interest to you or one that you would like to learn about.
- Go through:
- The Introduction
- The Learning Objectives
- Watch any videos they supply
- Do all the Quests
- Any additional things?
- Look to the right at any websites & Apps that may help
- Check out the Teacher Guide?
- Use the Student Checklist?
- Choose your group members, get organized and sign up on the 21 Things 4 Student Sign Up list.
- You can click HERE to access it.
- Please include all names in alphabetical order by last name.
- Get working on a presentation!
- Must be 8-15 minutes long
- If a slide presentation, must be no more than 10 words per slide
- Reading directly from slides to us will drop grade by one (1) FULL grade
- Yes. You may use notecards to help but not direct reading. Teach. Explain. Analogies. Examples. Stories. Pictures. Video clips.
- Creating a game? Doing a survey? Be sure it can be played in the allotted time. AND be sure you can tie in what the game/survey does to enhance your presentation.
- ALL members must have equal participation.
- Hints:
- Teach the class what YOU found interesting or what you think they need to know
- Apply the information to the class’ lives and how it will benefit them
Can also be working on:
- Also... remember that Common Sense Media Presentation is next week, Tuesday, the 17th in class.
- Portfolio Lesson/Quiz is due by 3pm Wednesday, December 18th
- Portfolio Check #1 due Thursday, December 19th by 3 pm
- 21 Things is due January 14th
- Powerfriending Presentation which is due January 21st
Class Folder Access HERE
- Click HERE and access the folder
- Add it to your drive
Email Time!
- Please email me at [email protected] ([email protected]) by the end of the period
- In the subject line please write your name and Digital Media (2) 2019-20
- Example: Blue Jay Digital Media (2) 2019-20
Want Text Messages for class and delays/closings?
Expectations for your Teacher Survey
Screen Time Tracker
- Click HERE to access the spreadsheet
- Go to your setting and screen shot your usage
- Load it up to the spreadsheet under your name
- Do this each Monday and see where you are at by the end of the tri
Student Info Survey 2nd Tri
Class Video Project
- HERE is the link to the pics
- In groups of 1-5 people, develop the BEST video to present this to the class.
- Incorporate appropriate music to go with the theme. Transitions? Text? Anything you can think to get across the message:
- It is what we think of OURSELVES that matters!
- Due Wednesday, October 30th during class time.
Lesson Plan for Monday, September 23rd
For this assignment:
- Click on the link 21 Things. Choose one of the 21 Things… PLEASE choose a topic of interest to you or one that you would like to learn about.
- Go through:
- The Introduction
- The Learning Objectives
- Watch any videos they supply
- Do all the Quests
- Any additional things?
- Look to the right at any websites & Apps that may help
- Check out the Teacher Guide?
- Use the Student Checklist?
- The Introduction
- Choose your group members, get organized and sign up on the 21 Things 4 Student Sign Up list.
- You can click HERE to access it.
- Please include all names in alphabetical order by last name.
- You can click HERE to access it.
- Get working on a presentation!
- Must be 8-15 minutes long
- If a slide presentation, must be no more than 10 words per slide
- Reading directly from slides to us will drop grade by one (1) FULL grade
- Yes. You may use notecards to help but not direct reading. Teach. Explain. Analogies. Examples. Stories. Pictures. Video clips.
- Reading directly from slides to us will drop grade by one (1) FULL grade
- Creating a game? Doing a survey? Be sure it can be played in the allotted time. AND be sure you can tie in what the game/survey does to enhance your presentation.
- ALL members must have equal participation.
- Must be 8-15 minutes long
- Hints:
- Teach the class what YOU found interesting or what you think they need to know
- Apply the information to the class’ lives and how it will benefit them
- Teach the class what YOU found interesting or what you think they need to know
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, September 4th, 2019
- Please continue to work on Portfolios from yesterday.
- Use the class folder in your GDrive you should have downloaded from my website to:
- Create your pages
- Add page titles
- Add page descriptions
- Add dividers
- Add buttons
- Having trouble? Check with one of my former students in class to help you.
- Work toward Portfolio Check #1 which you can access HERE to see the criteria to earn points.
- Use the class folder in your GDrive you should have downloaded from my website to:
- If you have not done it yet, please
- Finished? Awesome! Grab a group of people and have some one start a GDoc in GDrive. Come up with as many problems with Social Media as you possibly can. We will use these to discuss in class and try and find some solutions. Be sure and share it with me at [email protected].
- You should have access to Social Media by now. Please friend me on FaceBook, Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram. If you do not have these please create the accounts ASAP. My user name is usually jgross811. Otherwise use the folder in GDrive for Social Media Share.
- If you were on the class list BEFORE Tuesday, you should be able to get access when you log into your school accounts on the Chrome Books.
- Done with the Syllabus & rules Quiz? Try the Portfolio Lesson! It will help you get your portfolio started (Due by Friday, September 6th at 3:00 pm).
- In Moodle feel free to start your Classroom Syllabus & Rules Quiz (Due by Friday, September 6th at 3:00 pm).
- Log into Moodle and be sure you see Digital Media A (1) in your class list. If not, let Mr. Gross know so he can enter you.
- Click HERE to access the Google folder for Digital Media Communications A (1) 2019-20. Please download/add to your drive to your GDrive account.
- Follow the instructions on the picture below to sign into Remind for school delays & closings from Mr. Gross.
- Fill in the Survey as completely and honestly as possible and send.
- Email Mr. Gross at [email protected] from your school email address. Be sure you use the one you will be handing in assignments from. The subject line should be: Your Name and Digital Media (1) 2019-20
Common Sense Media Assignment
Okay! Here is the Common Sense Media Assignment and you have the power to choose! Please do the following:
- At the top there are three headings
- For Parents (Link is the front page)
- 11 Year old get a phone? Agree/Disagree? Support? Evidence?
- Privacy Policy updates flooding inboxes?
- Check out under the tab 'Parent Concerns'
- Family Guides is good, too. Check to see if you agree/disagree. Why? Support?
- For Educators
- Click on the Digital Citizenship tab... look at the box for Topics to Prepare Students & Strengthen Communities
- Pick any one of them
- Or click around the whole section... see what you can find that interests you
- Click on the Digital Citizenship tab... look at the box for Topics to Prepare Students & Strengthen Communities
- For Advocates
- How to take action?
- Help Kids Thrive?
- Early Life
- Family Life
- School Life
- Digital Life
- You are to choose two out of the three sections and pick an aspect to present to class as an individual or as a group (Example... One from Parents group and one from Advocates group. Cannot be two from same group)
- PowerPoint/GSlides may only TEN words max per slide!
- New Ideas? Click HERE to check out my page on other types of tech to use to present or try
- Zero slide reading to the audience
- Please get creative and really teach us something you are passionate about
- Tie in examples from your own lives
- Each member of the group speaks equally
- Each choice is worth 100 points for a total of 200
- Extra credit?
- Surprise me with something I do not know... teach me something I can use...
- PowerPoint/GSlides may only TEN words max per slide!
- For Parents (Link is the front page)
Google Maps 3D Assignment
Okay! Something very new here! 3D Mapping! And there are three (3) parts to it.
Please do nothing until you watch me demo this in class on the TV.
You will need the app on your device called Google Street View. It looks like the picture. Click it to access the Google Play store or click HERE for Apple. Good Luck!
Need some ideas? Incentives? Click HERE for an article to stimulate the brain!
Please do nothing until you watch me demo this in class on the TV.
You will need the app on your device called Google Street View. It looks like the picture. Click it to access the Google Play store or click HERE for Apple. Good Luck!
- Part Number 1 (Individually) up to 25 points
- Find a spot in/out of school but on campus
- Practice shooting it as cleanly as possible (As few blemishes/overlaps as possible)
- Share the very BEST one with me at [email protected] and load to website
- Extra Credit? For an additional 10 points Learn and use my 360 camera kit and load to website
- Part Number 2 (Group chosen by you) up to 75 points
- Find a spot in Shepherd of historic or artistic value
- Practice shooting it as cleanly as possible (As few blemishes/overlaps as possible)
- Share the very BEST one with me at [email protected] and load to website
- Extra Credit? For an additional 10 points Learn and use my 360 camera kit and load to website
- Part Number 3 (Group chosen by you) up to 100 points
- Find a spot in the surrounding 20 miles of Shepherd of historic/artistic value/needs improvement/special meaning
- Practice shooting it as cleanly as possible (As few blemishes/overlaps as possible)
- Share the very BEST one with me at [email protected] and load to website
- Extra Credit? For an additional 10 points Learn and use my 360 camera kit and load to website
- Find a spot in the surrounding 20 miles of Shepherd of historic/artistic value/needs improvement/special meaning
Need some ideas? Incentives? Click HERE for an article to stimulate the brain!